Subscribe Sales Management Newsletter

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The content of my Newsletter will vary significantly and will provide additional information and tips designed to help Sales Managers Coach a Winning Sales Team that are not covered in my book.

As you will find out, I am passionate about Sales Management and the ability we have as managers to change the lives of the people who report to us. Not only can we influence their success but managed correctly we can make them better husbands, wives, parents, and generally better people.

Focus on your salespeople and not your sales forecast and the rest will just fall into place.

If you want to make a difference as a Sales Manager (Coach) you need to spend time with your salespeople while they are engaged in all aspects of selling your product or service. Time spent here is pure gold as a coach given you see firsthand the selling process unfold before your eyes.

Fine-tuning a salesperson’s selling skills, storytelling, oral communication skills, telephone skills, listening skills, written communication skills, prospecting skills, to mention but a few can only be achieved when you spend time in the company of the people who deliver the results.

You cannot fix what is broken until you know it is broken. That means you must be present when there is a breakdown in the first instance—before you’ll know how to coach the salesperson on ways to secure the required outcome.

Statistics give you a measure of what happened; observations let you understand why it happened, and no CRM or Business Intelligence system will provide you with that perspective.

Our world is full of change at the moment and this is the ideal opportunity for you to work that change to both your sales staff and your advantage.

In addition to this as a registered subscriber, I will be offering the opportunity for subscribers to seek guidance or suggestions on sales coaching ideas and how to manage your time as a Sales Manager more effectively.

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