DNO The SEO Revolution

DNO the SEO Revolution is a Detailed Guide for Achieving Permanent Page-One Rankings for Under $100

The total number of searches conducted across all search engines in 2011, will exceed 300 Billion and will cost companies competing for these page-one listings in excess of 50 Billion Dollars.

DNO the SEO Revolution is a how-to-guide for achieving Permanent page-one rankings for under $100.

This one extraordinarily simple idea will shatter traditional SEO concepts allowing every reader the opportunity to gain multiple Page One Rankings.

I know because I have achieved multiple rankings for my own company and a select number of customers who participated in our trials.

Achieving the top three listings on Page One of Google for under $100 is an amazing accomplishment but for them to be permanently listed and not be under threat from competitors who are prepared to pay more for the ranked position is extraordinary.

The use of SEO, PPC, and SEM to achieve a Page One Google Ranking is expensive but more importantly, they offer no permanency.

Keyword auctions that encourage competitors to pay a higher price for the number one ranked position are insane and it is time to do things differently.

Remember Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

In 2011, the total spent on achieving a Google page-one ranking will exceed 50 Billion Dollars and is forecast to increase by 20% each year.

DNO the SEO Revolution reveals one simple but highly effective internet strategy that will allow the reader to achieve an uncontested Google page-one ranking for less than $100.

DNO the SEO Revolution is a do-it-yourself guide that will allow readers to eliminate forever all the costs associated with SEO programs, rank their current website against competitors, identify changes that will increase their website’s page ranking and reduce both their dependency and current spend on Google AdWords.

The DNO internet strategy will shake the SEO market to its very core making over 95% of the techniques currently used obsolete overnight.

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DNO The SEO Revolution
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